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Friday, January 23, 2015

1-23-2015: Proposal–Work in Progress

Today, for the most part, was a work day for my jury selection proposal. As you may recall, one of my goals was to create a proposal to solve the current problem that race and socioeconomic backgrounds are poorly recommended represented on juries (for more information, see page "Introduction and Overview").

I also had an opportunity to meet again with Annie Crawford, the jury selection manager (I first met her on 1-5-2015; see blog post "1-5-2015: First Day, Figuring Stuff Out). I reviewed some of the points from my jury selection reform proposal with her and asked for her thoughts on what I had so far. She was happy with what I had, and I am continuing to work hard on writing the proposal.

Today was also spent working on my presentation for Winterim Fair. I am planning an interactive presentation with the audience that also documents what I have done. I didn't talked in much detail for either the proposal or the presentation; I don't want to spoil it for what you'll see at Winterim Fair. All readers are invited to Winterim Fair, where I'll be presenting my experience learning about the court system. It will be on Tuesday, January 27, 2015, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM at Maumee Valley Country Day School in Toledo.

Finally, I also worked on thank you emails to send to all of the legal professionals who have helped me and have taken me around. Although Judge Helmick has been my sponsor, I have been following many other legal professionals who have explained many things about the federal courts. My Winterim is coming to an end pretty soon, and I've learned a lot. I'll reflect more on my entire experience next week.

1 comment:

  1. You have interacted with so many legal professionals in Toledo! It is good that you are writing thank you notes to all of them. I look forward to seeing your project!
