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Saturday, January 17, 2015

1-17-2015: End of Week 2

The majority of my time this week was spent watching the trial in the Lucas County Court of Common Pleas. It was a good experience because I had the opportunity to watch the entire trial from start to finish. You can revisit any part of the trial by following these links below.
1-12-2015: Voir dire
1-13-2015: Witnesses' Testimonies
1-14-2015: The Defense
1-15-2015: Closing Arguments
Appendix to the Trial

One cool thing that I saw this week that I didn't talk about earlier was the courtroom during the reading of the verdict. When word spread that a verdict had been reached, all available prosecutors came into the courtroom. After the verdict was read, all of the prosecutors congratulated the prosecuting attorneys on this case, Frank H. Spryszak and Jennifer Lambdin, for a job well done, with many hugs and handshakes. Mr. Spryszak explained to me that prosecutors try to watch each other's verdicts to support each other. He said that although the prosecutors all have different cases, they have a common goal and work together in achieving that goal. This really showed me that the Lucas County Prosecutors' Office is very strong and has a lot of support and structure.

I have met many of my goals this week, listed below. If you don't believe me, you can click on any of the links to my blog posts pertinent to that goal.
My goals: Introduction and Overview

How courts in the United States work: Arraignments
Criminal arraignment docket in state court
-1-14-2015: Arraignments
How courts in the United States work: Trial
Closing arguments
-1-15-2015: Closing Arguments
Jury instructions and deliberation
-1-15-2015: Closing Arguments
Jury selection in state court
-1-12-2015: Voir dire
Opening statements
-1-12-2015: Voir dire
Presentation of evidence for the defense
-1-14-2015: The Defense
-1-15-2015: Closing Arguments
Presentation of evidence for the prosecution
-1-13-2015: Witnesses' Testimonies
-1-15-2015: Closing Arguments
How courts in the United States work: Sentencing
Sentencing in federal court
-1-16-2015: The Prosecutor

Perspectives from legal professionals
The Honorable Vernelis K. Armstrong, Magistrate Judge for the United States District Court for the Western Division of the Northern District of Ohio; how she sentences a defendant
-1-16-2015: The Prosecutor
Michael J. Freeman, Assistant United States Attorney for the Western Division of the Northern District of Ohio; a prosecutor's rationale for a defendant's sentencing and plea deals
-1-16-2015: The Prosecutor

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