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Saturday, January 10, 2015

1-10-2015: End of Week 1

So my first week learning about the judicial system! I have learned a lot in these five days, and I have connected a lot of what I already know to what I have seen.

One thing that I really enjoyed this week was getting a closer look into the work of lawyers. Ms. Wise and Mr. Rost have been really patient in explaining to me what they do and have opened up their offices for me to learn, explore, and participate. I appreciate the time that both of these lawyers have given to me.

One thing that I haven't explored much yet and still want to explore is the world of the prosecutor. Although I saw a prosecutor in action during the sentencing on Tuesday, I didn't have time to speak to her. I hope that meeting with one is possible, although my (already) tight schedule and plans for what to do during the next two weeks may not allow me to do so.

I have already met some of my goals as follows. I have gained more understanding on how the court works, from federal and state court systems, to arraignments and sentencing proceedings, to avoiding the court altogether in civil disputes with settlement conferences. I learned the views of some different legal professionals, from how a probation officer wants a defendant to be sentenced, to how Judge Zouhary made his decision on how to sentence a defendant, to the steps that Ms. Wise took in trying to protect her organization from lawsuit.

I have two more weeks with many plans on what to do, and I can't wait to see what I'll see!

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